Follow Mystic Post on Facebook Womans Rosary Beads turn to gold LINK AFTER LINK TURNED TO GOLD. Published on, Also read : The Twelve Secrets of the Apocalypse given by Jesus to St. Padre Pio. Within the heavenly messages, are several instructions on how to further prepare for the forthcoming Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and refuges, etc. The world feels that it has many years of future blessings. Then look to Me and I will lead you to eternal life and the Truth. O yes, let us by all means prays much. Did God not know that He would postpone it? Then during the 3 Days of Darkness, hell will be fully locked up until the end of time, after the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace has concluded with one last battle between Good and evil at the very end before the General Resurrection. Otherwise, the holy object would have been lost or destroyed as Jacob was to meet the next day with his twin brother, Esau, who was the firstborn son of Isaac, and whom the Blessing of God as his birthright was sold to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. in April 2017 (Easter) truly, I do not understand how satan would gain in any substantial way by what I have publicly revealed. The fact is, the Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal, as well as the unveiling of the contents of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje by the visionaries in the aftermath of the Warning, is meant to be a great catalyst for the Popes, the Bishops, and the Catholic Church, to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested at Fatima. It was from this pilgrimage that indeed St Joachim and St Anne became blessed to conceive the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the angel of God had revealed would happen to St Joachim in the Jewish Temple., Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria Do not wait for tomorrow: there must be change now! Contrary to what many people may believe, the First Secret of Medjugorje is NOT the Illumination of Conscience (The Great Warning). The father of the bridegroom was expected to pay the bride price (mohar) to the brides family, along with bridal gifts (mattan). She even went insane for awhile when her soul was finally brought back from hell. So, at that point, Sister Lucy reached out to the Vatican to make the request and then, unfortunately, had to keep making the request through the years, as the consecration was left undone. (2/8/17) Jesus Christ As I am calling upon this nation (USA) to assume the role of a sanctuary nation, I call all Christians to find asylum here The Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So, now, satan has decided to focus on using another person under his evil influence to bring about the collapse of the Catholic Church and the reign of the anti-christ. However, the rest of mankind who chooses to serve and obey the Lord will partake of this glory, too, at the First Resurrection / Second Coming of Jesus. Hence, Her Immaculate Heart can Triumph in the end with Her Sons Most Sacred Heart, as all of mankind finally recognizes the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I can reveal that the great Mercy to be shown to all of My children will take place only the once. The world believes that God will not act. Eighteen people, mostly females, said they are having apparitions between 1982-1983. . It is my understanding that this will come about by supernatural visionssuch as Saint Clare of Assisi experienced during her life when she was very ill. One time, God provided her a supernatural vision of the Christmas Mass as she lay ill on her bed in her monastery cell. This is a secret and is not to be revealed, only when Heaven decides to reveal it. This medal, also known as the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, has engraved the words, O Mary, conceived without sin, thus proclaiming the validity of the Immaculate Conception 24 years in advance of the official declaration of the dogma by the Catholic Church. However, I want to take a moment to write this short commentary, to give you, my beloved blog followers, something to ponder about for fruitful consideration. However, the heart of my church is not in Rome, but in Jerusalem. However, what St. Gabriel revealed to me in January completely flips this conventional thinking on its head. However, when the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) takes place, all six Medjugorje visionaries and the main seer at Garabandal, Conchita, will experience the Three Days of Darkness as fully possible in their spiritual bodies with heightened awareness and all. Our Heavenly Father has revealed in the Book of Truth that He will warn His children about accepting Babylonan abomination created in hellby tilting the earth. This is so new followers can understand what has been happening these past several months/past years on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. o Our Lady still appears to them at 6:40pm every day wherever they are TILTING THE EARTHS AXIS AND FIRE FROM HEAVEN, (Feast of Our Lady of the Place, October 3, 2017). My children, as your faith grows pray that the Holy Spirit can be spread to these sinners and engulf their souls. God did not want to give a heads up in advance to His arch enemy, satan. Entrusting to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life she would have one yearly apparition, on March 18th. I will walk with him to Jerusalem. Also, according to heavenly messages, this priest-son will come from one of the 23 Eastern denominations of the Catholic Church (not the Latin rite). Vicka talks about her experiences in the book "Thousand Encounters with the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje (1985)". That is why Papa God reserves the exact date for the Warning to Himself for all these past years. The good accomplished this last weekend in the concerted prayer effort could fill volumes if it were recorded. It is, therefore, far easier for My Church to support those messages, which include extracts from the Holy Bible, to declare these to be authentic. Afterwards, My children will rebuild their lives, in a manner of speaking. Truly, every kindness extended by blog readers is so appreciated by me. Instead, it is something that exists at the very Throne of God in Heaven and is a great mystery involving the Divine Plan. You have suffered much and continue to do so. This is almost a prophetic utterance hinting Our Lords forthcoming Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) announced by Our Lady at Garabandal in the 1960s. They are the key! Next I see that in the dark vacuum created in the wake of Jesus expulsion from the tabernacle, the anti-Christ rises and is welcomed. I am not infallible and I never will be. By Jewish tradition, it is known that Isaiah died a martyr by being sawed in half. You must remain in union with My Son, Jesus Christ, at all times and pray that the Sacraments will be made available to you by loyal priests and clergy during the times of trials which lie before you. I care for you, provide for you, guide you, and speak to your heart. My child, the Miracles commanded by my Eternal Father will be made known soon in all parts of the Earth. Without people repenting of their sins and returning to God, and then after being reconciled to God and then to each other, true peace cannot be. Ivanka was born on June 21st, 1966, in Bijakovici, in the parish of Medjugorje. It is fine with me if we dont even do that. God bless! The Era of Peace as we understand itsuch as mentioned in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) will began at the Second Coming. In truth, because there was so much spiritual warfare taking place concurrently while this information was being told to me, it felt like I had the whole heavenly court in my bedroom with me. And as Sacred Scripture counsels, we are not to look upon Gods Holy Wrath when it is taking place against mankind (for example, Lots wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at Gods Wrath taking place against Sodom and Gomorrah). Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (10 pages) of this important commentary: IMPORTANT COMMENTARY:The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) was postponedfrom December 2020 Now what?Is there a New Possible Date for The Warning? And now, unfortunately, we are close to the annihilation of nations by nuclear war, and because the official Church is not piecing the clues together in Our Ladys messages, it takes a simpleton like me, finally to figure out what Heaven is trying to say. Still they do not listen, because they do not want to know. My daughter, the time when all public acknowledgement as to Who I Am, will become but just a faint flicker in the wick of a candle, which has burned right down to the end, is almost upon you. In my Easter 2017 commentary about these heavenly insights, that writing was the first time that I ever publicly asked for intercession prayer. Hence, the prophecies of World War II became true under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII when the strange and unknown light was seen throughout Europe and as far west as Bermuda, the night of January 25, 1938. Such locations will be announced in advance by visionary, Conchita of Garabandal, after The Warning. That was done for convenience sake. Excerpt: Part Of The Hidden Third Secret Of Fatima, A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. It is not an individual, but a collective effort needed by all of mankind working together. To those enemies of Mine, who walk amongst you and who mislead My Church, know this. And afterwards, I thought to myself, oh, how I am going to explain this change to my dearly beloved followers on the blog? Also, one of the chosen messengers was able to see in a vision, the Gates of Heaven open up as all of these unborn children entered Heaven and all the saints in Heaven who welcomed them were all carrying TRUMP signs as a message to all of us here on earth. While today the visionaries usually refuse to answer detailed questions about secrets, they were more explicit in the early 1980s. Did the Lord hint at the next date or how much delay? 2008 redeem team starting 5; Most theologians dance around this terminology because they do not want to be accused of heresy, of saying that Jesus will reign physically on earth for a thousand years. I was telling Jesus in prayer last night, how can He have so much patience with all of usall of us mankind? And well, some of the testimonials addressed the fact of the lack of faith within the Catholic Church. I do not see the anti-christ or know his identity. So, no evil people or people with bad intentions will be at the refuges. This we see happening with the increasing natural disasters around the world, etc. However, knowing all the different heightened ways that I was being attacked spiritually both during the encounter and in the subsequent months before I finally revealed these insights publicly on my blog. Why is Our Mother Mary deserving of so much universal honor and respect? The original heavenly message given to Valentina is at the end of this commentary. This is a reality of Gods Plan that satan has been clueless for 2,000 years about his defeat in the End Times. After the antichrist has unveiled himself, God will send an Angel of Peace who will take corporal form on earth and he will especially help those who are being martyred. In my Easter 2017 commentary about these heavenly insights, that writing was the first time that I ever publicly asked for intercession prayer. Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 @ 20:39. I tell you I have a plan for each experience you have lived and there were valuable lessons needed for each stage in your development. All of mankind must become Catholic so as to avoid the Great Chastisement of God and to mitigate the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. It will be too late for the rest of you. My confusion lies in the difference in these terms. I gave you a message about the same time that said when you see changes made to the words of Consecration, then you need to leave that church. The Warning will help the world to fight the greatest apostasy of all time It will be clear to all the Christian Churches that there is a new call to unity, a call to unity at the roots and in the heart. However, I do know that the Second Coming directly coincides with the Era of Peace on earth. Many, many ecological disasters have been averted because of the devotion shown to My Blessed. Some people will remember the splendor of Rome and will want to return. Aftermath of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) of God (12:53 minutes), Six Weeks (Conversion) * Seal of The Living God * Apocalypse * Great Separation(Physical Refuges) * Garabandal (Miracle and Sign) * Fatima (Consecration of Russia) * Medjugorje (Ten Secrets) * 3 Days of Darkness, Based on various Catholic private revelation compiled by A Soul Of Mary Refuge Of Souls. These Miracles will happen over a period of three years and they will take place for a reason. Papa desires to help each one of us who are seeking for Him. Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (5 pages) of this special commentary: Understanding the Hidden Plan of God For Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul (PDF), Understanding the Hidden Plan of God For Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul (ODT), Understanding the Hidden Plan of God For Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul (WordDoc), SPECIAL COMMENTARY: They will see the Churches united and all the Churches united with Israel. How confused is modern man. So, it makes more sense for God to warn His children than not to warn them in advance of something so major like tilting the earths axis. The great power of America has not restored order in the Middle East because the forces of evil are too widespread and continue to grow. And honestly, in heavenly messages, Our Lord, Jesus, has said that He does not have much time to work with theologians, because many of them try to intellectualize the faith too much. For the whole world will weep at his death and his death will bless Israel. Well, the Holy Spirit has informed me that because The Warning might be taking place earlier than February 2022, Papa God might change the actual date for the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, so it can take place sooner during the 6-week window when satan and his devils cannot interfere with mankinds free will after The Warning has happened on earth. So, any mitigation of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje has to take place in the immediate aftermath of the Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal by mankind, because the further away from the occurrence of the Warning without worldwide repentance, the more subject mankind will be to Gods Holy Wrath. The ten secrets of Medjugorje are not unique. It is about the cover-up on the Third Secret of Fatima and the need for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The apparition lasted from 13:59 to 14: . Likewise, a warning before inflicting fire upon 1/3 of the earth, etc., also makes sense. Be firm. has started giving public messages again after many years of silence, during Lent 2018, which I shared on this blog. There is terror on every side and still they do not turn to Me. Let us pray for our Holy Father the Pope, the only light for the faithful in these times of darkness. There is something innate in our fallen human nature of our constant need to know about future events before we actually commit ourselves to taking action. Our Heavenly Father speaks about warning His children about Babylon, as well as giving great signs. Also, in the Book of Truth. You listen for and hear My voice for My sheep know My voice and follow Me. Had they done so, the history of the past bloody century of war, violence and grave misjudgments in sin would have been far different, for the better, and mankind would have already entered into the great Era of Peace. As a result, the sinful errors by all of mankind against the Ten Commandments, and pointed out by Our Lady of La Salette in 1846, continue to grow unabated for, accelerating in the world. The Church will be smaller, but holy, and all will know of My One True Catholic and Apostolic Church. All of this is due to Her free will Yes (Fiat) at the Annunciation when Her Immaculate Heart became sealed for all-eternity to the Most Sacred and Divine Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity. The evil people in hell will finally receive their human bodies at the General Resurrection at the conclusion of time, when everyone will know all aspects of the Divine Plan at the Final Coming of Jesus. Nonetheless, God has continued to send help to mankind through His Holy Mother, Mary, alongside with His Divine Son, Our Savior, Jesus. I mean, Noah warned the ancient world while he was building the ark about the forthcoming worldwide Flood, Moses warned Pharaoh before the Ten Plagues, etc. However, when the darkness comes and Israel is in distress, there will be a new moment. My followers who may say that this is not the way in which Jesus speaks, need now to ask yourselves this question. She was the second visionary to experience all 10 secrets and she is graced with an annual apparition from Our Lady on June 25 . Each person affects his neighbor. So, I have had to keep these prophecies private to myself and a few trusted friends who could pray about them. It was both interior and audible. Meanwhile, we have witnessed the tragedy on the world scene of recent history that has resulted by this lack of timely response by the popes and bishops to Our Ladys request. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Firstly, the Sun will be very luminous, becoming brighter every day until the Second Coming of Jesus. Now, I must tell my beloved blog followers a story. Do you recall this, My daughter? As I know many people have been praying and preparing for this major event, which has now been postponed. I am sorry for any and all of your pain, some caused by your own decisions, some created by others, but all allowed by Me to bring you to deeper holiness and closer to Me. Some people might question whether the Tenth Secret is the Three Days of Darkness, as the visionaries have denied this fact. Much of the answers to these questions involve free-will, how prayer is used in the present moment, and behind-the-scenes stuff that people are not aware of and I have been reluctant to talk about. I love all, My children. So, in Sarajevo, I had many people who joined me in this prayer. THE TEN SECRETS OF MEDJUGORJE:, An Appeal To My Fellow Americans 40 Days Thus, when Eve was created out of the rib of Adam, it is similar to saying that Eve was created out of Adams heart. Thank You Lord that You will what is best and is beyond your dreams for Your children for we would die without Your protection and restoration and renewal. I truly pray for mankind in those days. All glory will surround the antichrist. So, Jesus is subject to revelation from His Heavenly Father that is why He does not know the date for His Second Coming and other matters, etc. Every soul who prays to Me now and asks Me to save their closest family and friends will receive My Mercy in abundance. I noticed a kind of spasm on Ivanka, as if she were about to cry . It was the Royal Wedding Feast of Immaculate Mary and the Holy Spirit, Whom became Her Beloved Eternal Spouse at the Annunciation. The pain. My dearly beloved daughter, we have come a long way in such a short time. Recall, the power of Her prayers and intentions are worth in merit more than all the angels and mankind combined. for the ones who will not return to God, they will not see Me nor My Beloved Son. I also know that some of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje involve nuclear disasters and other grave catastrophes that will result in massive deaths if Heaven is not invited to act on the world stage through the Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church. Now, I am not ready to do the fundraiser yet, as I need to do some more writing for this third book first, but once I figure out the logistics, I will do a blog post this upcoming May 2021 about this again and I will see how it goes. You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. I do not want the Great Chastisementthe Three Days of Darkness. But this is untrue. Every single soul on Earth will shortly witness the signs of the Illumination of Conscience. Through the witnessing of the Great Miracle, these four key individuals will know what God expects of them and what they need to do to further the Divine Plan. Meanwhile, Good and evil will prepare for the Final Battle at Armageddon in which the antichrist and his forces will be fully destroyed. And I read how most of the nations of the world would cooperate and come into the Light, thus, bringing about a new springtime in the world and universal peace. This unique grace associated with the Sign of Medjugorje (privilege only given to believers and not unbelievers of seeing the Blessed Mother and Jesus), actually seems consistent with what Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, has remarked about the Sign in different interviews. Then you must prepare to fight to help others fulfil their glorious future. Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 @ 20:40. Otherwise, if the Supreme Court allows the electoral college votes to be tossed aside, the U.S. House of Representatives would decide who would be the next U.S. President. The Ultimate Goal that all of mankind should spiritually aspire towards achieving is the Sixth Chamber of Personal Holiness. At Medjugorje, they are called the ten secrets. So, again, those at the refuges will not miss out on any important aspect of the Divine Plan. Seven, it is the hope of Heaven that the testimony of the seven visionaries about the Three Days of Darkness, will bring about the Consecration of the nation of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Catholic Church, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima (1917) over a century ago. Otherwise, the deadliest of winters will settle upon the earth., The sin that stirs the anger of the Father is the killing of the unborn. The main thing that was revealed to me by St. Gabriel was the sequence for the unveiling of the Secrets, which I explained in this Easter 2017 writing: Now, I have to say that when all these Secrets were being revealed to me, I was shocked. 11:55 am. . They need to embrace The Warning, for this is the last time they will be offered the chance of redemption. This last battle is being permitted in keeping with Gods Divine Character of being Perfect Justice. I wrote a summary of facts about the antichrist in this lengthy commentary: Exposing Satans Evil Agenda Part One The Antichrist It is through this act, that the antichrist will gain sufficient fame and notoriety worldwide, to be known to everyone. So, I want people to know when I use the words, Second Coming of Jesus, I am referring to the same event that others say is an intermediate or hidden coming of Jesus. around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. Each of them will be brought to their knees in shame when they see, probably for the first time, how painful their sins appear in My Eyes. Thank you. Therefore, it is important that mankind knows Me as a loving Father.. After the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs, all people will know true right from true wrong in their lives. As I indicated, the prayer efforts from last year enabled me to write the Appeal to Pope Francis, which I believe will be instrumental in saving his soul and helping the Blessed Mother in furthering Her Peace Plans among Her children. This then began a week long celebration by the guests and the first week of the couple being alone together in the bridal chamber. The Two Witnesses and Firstfruits are human beings who will have been fully transformed (transfigured and glorified) during their Warning encounter. The world will experience a powerful call to come out of darkness. Again, please do not think that you will miss out on these two very important aspects of the Divine Plan if you are living at a refuge when they start to happen on Earth. I am confused on the recent messages about the Great Warning and wrath of God (spiritual and physical earthquake). something to ponder about for fruitful consideration. Secondly, mankind will finally rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem, to welcome the coming of the New Jerusalem on earth and the Return of Jesus. Moreover, preparation involves purifying oneself of sin by striving for greater holiness and deeper friendship in God. There is a fundamental lack of understanding of how great Our Queen truly is as a human person and creature of God. The second important aspect is that I was and I continue to be truly shocked that I was given this special knowledge from God and Our Lady. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves. 10 But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. Holy Mary is the first Advocate, second only to Her Son, Jesus, before God the Father, in whom all Her prayers are answered for Her beloved children, all of mankind, given to Her at the Cross. Also, according to Sacred Scriptures, the Ark of the Covenant will resurface during the End Times. They continue to move ahead. They will say We have been saved by the Catholic Church. He will blow a clear trumpet. How very necessary the Consecration of Russia is for beating back the forces of darkness on the face of the earth and how the Resurrection of the Two Witnesses will bring about the unification of Israel and Christianity, and then also, the conversion of the rest of the pagans, including those of Islam. Oh, my beloved blog followers, a few months ago, in March 2018, Heaven told me certain prophecies about the futurein particular, about Pope Francis and other related matters about the Catholic Church. that these past two days, my heart has been rent in sadness. All Catholics will welcome Israel because all will have seen the decision of the Holy Father (the bishop dressed in white) to offer his life for Israel. $24.50 1 Used from $17.55 1 New from $24.50. Only My Remnant will cling to Me and keep My Word and many of them will be bewildered. The Earth, the sun and the moon will react to produce very unusual spectacles and many will know that they could only have been made possible by the Hand of God. However, the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to write down as much of my thoughts on this subject matter in order to help as many people as possible with one single writing. medjugorje secrets soon to be revealed 2020is ora king salmon safe to eat. 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