", "You will be seeing one of them very soon I think. The Chimu had no horses so they were something not seen much before the Zelandonii had arrived from the south. "He's awake!". She would have fallen in love with him and she would now be his mate and her children would be his. 'Oh well,' he thought. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dimmer interior. Lying virtually helpless on the pole-drag, Groog could see the hostile stares coming from the Others and he felt vulnerable and that angered him; he didn't like to feel weak. "But Jondalar and I have traveled through the eastern territory and we know those people. "Enough talk! Denanna asked quietly. Over the next few days she would not eat much and knew that she shouldn't miss a meal now if she wanted to be in shape for the approaching rigors. Ayla brought Summer Child to halt. In fact, that is something we should discuss during this afternoon's meeting of Doniers, if we can get to it" Ayla's voice trailed away. "I am Ayla, protected by the Cave Lion and I honor Mongar who has always honored the Spirits, and whose totem is the Mighty Bison. North of the river you seemed eager to come home but as soon as we crossed the river you've had a look in your eyes, a look that I can't really describe other than to say that you look troubled. As Ayla urged Summer Child to enter the trees at the edge of the clearing she noticed the Clan spear lying on the ground where the temporary shelter had been and quickly dismounted and walked over to pick it up. She took some of the plates that had piled up and went to the washing stream, cleaned them with sand and water, then brought them back and placed them on the sandstone block that was used to prepare food and that also held an assortment of eating and drinking utensils. He is already very inquisitive and has caught a mouse in our lodge, so that is what we are calling him. Ayla's bloody Clan spear was nestled in the crook of her arm as they reached the outskirts of the Summer Meeting. It was real easy to tranport our minds into all six books. I'm lucky that he loves me.". It was late morning before Mageb spotted the herd of Auroch. When the First Zelandoni heard he was there she insisted he be moved to the cave along with the injured hunters. Then promising to meet again the next day, they went to their home lodges to deliver their kills as a contribution to the evening's meal. I can't remember a happier time, can you?" They'd had their ups and downs, she reflected, but their love and mutual need for each other had won out over any conflict that had arisen in their relationship. The Chimu woman was becoming more used to riding, but being so high above the ground and the feeling of such power between her legs was still daunting. So now you're an Acolyte? We don't have your memories and we become lost on the other side.". Finally Jonayla wrung as much of the water as possible and whirled the wet clothing around over her head repeatedly to dry them in the air, this would also help keep them supple enough to wear. He knew the marks were those of the Mog-ur special ceremony even before she had completed them, and he was stunned. There were plenty of grain-headed grasses and a small stream within easy reach. A Zelandoni's rank depended on a complex combination of things. "This Mog-ur painted her face with the Ursus symbols that Mog-urs use during dream journeys and chants the sacred words that only Mog-ur of the Clan use to appease Ursus. ", "Good," she smiled. Would they come to resent her? 'Jonlar' didn't sign as much, but Groog understood that he just wasn't as proficient in Clan language as the others. I will go and talk to my Clan as you request Mog-ur. The other children noticed him for the first time and fell silent as he came nearer. It seems to be very powerful and would be a good addition to our medicines. "You didn't answer my questions! "Would you like to see the boy?". Domesticity wasn't something she was used to when it came to her fellow spiritual leaders; although since the First Zelandoni's passing the Doniers had been quite subdued and had tried to be helpful to each other. She was enchanted by her mate's condition, his obvious arousal at being with her. Maybe. Now get out of here, beyond the river and out of our land. "Although I would regret leaving the Ninth Cave, I will do so if the people turn against the woman I love. Cambarre nodded agreement, and then said, "Do you have someone else to ride your second horse so we can show two of you?" "I was unmated, but had a son when I was eleven summers old. I've been performing the task of First for the caves in the south for ten summers already and I'm confident that taking responsibility for the northern Zelandonia and the Zelandonii people as a whole would not strain my abilities. She had grown to twice the size she'd been when he'd first found her less than two moons ago. Jondalar looked over his shoulder at Ayla's call. Jonayla showed Cambarre where to dig the hole that would hold the grave marker. Camma remained silent and watched the Zelandoni leader. The baskin has a taste similar to raspberries and it increases the raspberry flavor," Ayla said. As he hugged her, he looked over her shoulder, back toward the distant summer meeting and frowned. Ayla looked over at Cambarre who was talking with a group of men and replied, "He's lucky too, you know. It was after midday by the time mother and daughter returned to the Ninth Cave's summer camp. ", There was a momentary silence, then without exception all the Doniers broke their silence and exclaimed in loud voices that they wanted no other in her place. He wasn't sure how to continue. The old Zelandoni nodded and sat down. Jonayla laughed and stood on her toes to kiss him. She had made an enclosure from woven reed to hold him while she worked, but if he made a determined effort, or was frightened, he would be able to break through it. "Yes, but it will certainly be something to look forward to," the Zelandoni said. Once we've had a chance to trade for more horses and to catch some of our own, it will make it so much easier to travel farther afield. She set the small animal in the little pen that Cambarre had built to house him and began to clear away the utensils. But she regretted that they had to use it. Then we will come back with more men and look for this Shaman," Ayla said, looking into the crazy eyes of the Chimu man. Folrian screeched, swatting at her brother, ending up making them all laugh. the man again demanded. ", "Yes I do," Ayla said with a big happy smile of welcome. The thought occurred to her that the Mog-ur of her Clan just might name Uba's daughter after her mother. With all the dangers and disasters they'd just come through, now was a time for rest and to be together. As he looked at his mate though, all he could see was a radiant smile and eyes that sparkled. Thankfully, the lion twisted his body toward the sounds for a moment, giving her a chance to reach down and pick up the Clan spear. Then she saw someone standing in front of them in the distance. "Cambarre, what are you going to wear at the ceremony tonight?" ", Ayla looked into his eyes and gave him one of her pleased smiles, "I'm just glad that you still find pleasures with me to your liking.". Besides, Jondalar and your brother need Wolf to look after them while we're gone, don't you think. Zolana, my mate will fix you some food and a nice tasty tea. Ayla picked up her travel pack and slung it over her shoulder then moved silently out from behind the fallen tree to follow the man who was disappearing into the trees a few lengths ahead of her. But then she realized that if the Mother wanted her wolf, she couldn't resist Her. With that the two men - who thought and lived lives that were barely understood by each other - turned and walked away to their separate lands. ", Ayla didn't want to face any problems this morning. That evening would be the last meal when everyone would be together before leaving for home. Jonayla looked at her friend and made the face that Groog now knew was a sign of friendship for the Others. "Normally the Zelandoni of the Ninth Cave would be considered too young and inexperienced in comparison to those who have much more experience and would be discouraged from putting herself forward as a candidate. Even though Cambarre knew he had little to worry about with Ayla in attendance at their child's birth, this time was always dangerous for a woman. He just hoped the talk would do some good. She walked out with her friend and greeted those at the morning meal. "Daughter, look to the other wounded man, I'll take care of Jondalar," Ayla said breathlessly as she slid from a full run into a kneeling position beside his prostrate body. 'A Cave Lion totem a woman? Will you do that for me? "Rubio, I understand there is food prepared?" "When it comes to pleasuring each other, am I as good as she was when we're in the furs together? "I just hope we don't have a need for it before we get back to the Summer Meeting," he said, still worried even as he held out both the spearthrower and his quiver full of deadly spears for Jonayla to take. Camma knew a leader when she saw one and felt a moment of disquiet as the attractive blonde woman walked among them, looking at each of them as if to acknowledge each in their turn with an ease and grace that Camma had to work hard at to achieve. It was his own hatred of who he was. "That's good," Jonayla said approvingly. Groog, what would be your guess as to how many people are down there waiting? I don't know what is going on out there, but there were two hunters wounded, one with a spear thrust through him. The Spirit must cross over and it was everyone's responsibility to help it do so. How am I to trust a man who would do that to another woman? Tormaden had been hovering over them and now spoke, "Zelandoni, what should I do with this Clan man? Ayla was kneeling beside their cooking fire, with Jondalar's sibling Folara, preparing food for the others when Jonayla lifted the flap that gave privacy to their summer lodge and stepped out, yawning and stretching languidly. For the hundredth time he wondered what that flathead loving interfering woman was telling the Chimu. "Neither of them had any real healing knowledge, so they did what they could by splinting his leg the best they knew how and making camp where they were. The Clan people moved eastward under the burdens that, once the meat was dried and stored, would help them to survive the winter. Nothing like this had ever happened to the Clan before. Joharran, nodded and without saying a word, turned his horse to face the path then gave a nod to Cambarre. Even though I'm a female, I will be able to help your people through this and we will have peace in the end. So as the days passed, speculation increased. "Can you also send another runner back to the Nineteenth Cave. I think if you hadn't rescued me from the men of the Shaman I might not be alive today.". Ayla dipped the comfrey root in water to rinse it. But to be taught the Medicine Woman craft, and by one of high enough rank to make the ceremonial Clan Meeting draught is unprecedented," The Mog-ur said doubtfully. And our most unusual Zelandoni, who is one of the youngest and most inexperienced Doniers to ever put herself forward as leader, I'm sure she might be a fine example to us all.". "We'll always be sisters Lorala. Ayla had noticed that the two young people had remained close to each other since their return. Apparently the earth's movement had broken a huge slab from the eastern side of the rock outcroppings at the head of the valley's opening. She twisted around on her horse to look at her child, "If you think about it, both the Clan and the Zelandonii acknowledge a higher power and set their standards for everyday life to it. Then she traveled with us to the Summer Meeting. It was their first together and would always be special to them. I'm relieved you're not angry with me. Some were quite exotic that gave her meals a special flavor that many wished they could imitate. Jonayla realized at that moment, maybe for the first time, that she wouldn't want to live without this man. She explained what it took to become a Zelandoni and that the First Zelandoni was the voice, instrument, and surrogate of The Great Earth Mother, or as he knew it, Ursus, the Sacred Cave Bear of the Clan. Since the First Zelandoni had become ill, things hadn't gone well for peace in the north, a peace that had always been present in the region before this time. Besides, you're the right choice. He took a swallow of the exquisite tea with a raspberry taste to it and wondered how they had captured that flavor, "And this tea is so unusual," he concluded. He will feel no pain as I wash and bandage his wounds. It was only her hand guiding me that allowed us to survive. Some said those hot white fires twinkling in the night sky were new souls being forged in the abode of the yet unborn. The Mog-ur looked uncomfortable, but looked squarely into his leader's eyes. As Ayla listened to the Seventh speak, she was sure that he wasn't being sincere, there was something missing in his body language, he wasn't showing conviction in his movements and his eyes showed no commitment to his words. It was her friend, the first Zelandoni from the southern caves. "Well, I'm not really sure what is happening north of North River," Tormaden began. Andes mountains and into the deepest places of the self. It would be wonderful to spend time together alone, like we did last night. He wanted the black female. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea if they saw me talking to her," he replied. Located in the charming and bustling town of Julian, California, just outside of San Diego. The guard fire was built up enough to show her face. Ayla made an herb tea from mint and dried lemon balm leaves with a dash of linden flowers. "Father, what's happening to the river? If you would lead us to a place where we can care for our wounded we would greatly appreciate it," Joharran concluded. Now that everything is done, the men look at me with disgust in their eyes. Jondalar couldn't help himself, he dismounted and beckoned Ayla to dismount too and he hugged her tightly. "We want to meet this Shaman of yours. Jonayla was trying very hard to imitate her mother's confident appearance, but deep down inside she cringed at those hostile stares and the derogatory comments, barely heard. Let's go," Durcan replied enthusiastically. "I'm grateful daughter; we didn't need any interruption this afternoon. ", "Yes," Dula signed and knelt beside the prostrate hunter. As the early morning light glowed on the horizon, Ayla and her daughter were busy breaking camp and loading the carry baskets in preparation for the day's trek. "No, don't give him to me. She wondered when Jondalar would be up to doing that with her again. Just as Ayla completed her accusation there was the sound of a spearthrower's dart whizzing past her ear and a shout of pain came from behind her. If they resist we will overpower them no matter what must be done to do so. Of course! The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. The young man looked at Jondalar and said, "I am a very happy man. For the first time, Ayla acknowledged in her heart that he might die. Give me pure, fine, white salt.'. ", "Yes, there should be a wealth of material for me this winter. "They'll kill me, those flatheads! It was still amazing to see her in action, so confident as if every move was from long tradition, rather than having been learned on her own over the past few years. And when we have heard what there is to hear, send them out to look, but send two of the most experienced men to the two caves nearest us and repeat the story and ask that their hunters search their surroundings for the female Mog-ur's daughter and if her man is with her they both need to be brought here.". Ayla hoped it could be done quickly. "Yes, young Acolyte, I will support your mother. It was obvious from the sullen expression on the other man's face that he wasn't going to try to fight them, but he wasn't happy being told what to do either. But what if some hunters were passing the head of the valley and had made a campfire? Some of the designs were totally foreign to the Zelandonii, but she was sure her daughter would appreciate them because of their uniqueness. She could tell by his expression that he was eager to contribute something meaningful. Sunlight was breaking through the trees, hitting the river, and causing it to sparkle as they broke camp the next morning. He looked almost like a woman, he thought to himself, despising him as a weak male. They had grabbed their weapons when Brukeval began pushing the women around and would have engaged the northerners if Jondalar hadn't already intervened. Her voice was full of joy, she might not be a singer, but her voice was honey smooth and resonant when she was aroused to a purpose. The man of the Clan had seen the children racing toward them, he had also noted that the woman had signed to them to be quiet and to take the horses away from the campsite. Ayla could hear a commotion behind her. Afterwards he said, 'Never let anyone tell you Neanderthal tools were easier to make, because they weren't. What her daughter had said was true, Creb had named Uba after Iza's mother's mother and Jondalar did indeed name Durcan after Durc. I guess there will be a women's gathering down there like this one we men are having," Willamar smiled. He looked over at Jonayla to see how she felt and saw that she looked happy with the idea. Groog asked in sign, not knowing what the word 'harvest' meant. No place is safe from them north of the river," Brukeval said, with a glowering stare. It was hard to believe there were so many of the Others in this river valley. Turn around and look!" One red line from the center of her forehead, down her nose and across her closed lips and down her chin. ", "Yes, I didn't mean to speak out of turn about your time with the Clan. "Keep in mind," Ayla finished, "that Madroman and Brukeval are the instigators of these atrocities and those from the Chimu community who follow them are for the most part just deluded people. As the sun rose above the horizon, father and son had already set out and within a very short time had a bird's eye view of what had caused the river flow to stop. She was so impressed by his skills that she believed he would come out of any wilderness, if left alone without any stuffs required for survival. So you see, it isn't magic, just another wondrous gift that our guiding spirits give to us if only we have the eyes to see.". The thought of leaving to travel east to a place where she had been accepted before, was a soothing one. It is the time to set traps before the ground freezes and the rivers freeze over, a last chance to build a supply of warm winter furs and to store meat. ", Ayla listened to the hurt in the other woman's voice, she looked down at Jondalar and thought, 'He lies here because of this conflict that I decided to become involved with. Ayla urged Summer Child forward into the vanguard. "So, where are all your followers now Brukeval?" He then turned away from the fire and closed his eyes. They would leave the Summer Meeting a few days to journey north and cross over the boundary river and into the conflict area to ascertain exactly what was happening. Ayla staggered slightly as something cannoned into her at ankle level. Domesticity wasn't something she was used to when it came to her fellow spiritual leaders; although since the First Zelandoni's passing the Doniers had been quite subdued and had tried to be helpful to each other. "Madroman, we will return for you and bring you to the Chimu for their judgment. Ayla sat beside the boy and unwrapped the woven cloth from around his mid-section. The wolf pup was asleep in a warm secure cocoon of rabbit fur placed near her and Jondalar's sleeping place. "Yes, I can image it does. I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it, not even Lorala. In fact, let me also offer you a place to stay this winter. She could only wish her daughter as much joy as she'd experienced on her mating day. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop Ayla from her headlong charge, Jondalar signaled Cambarre to go right, while he went to the left. At first there had been awkward moments, none of them were comfortable around the new First Zelandoni. It is a gift from The Great Earth Mother who you know as Ursus. "Zelandoni, there is risk in that plan. "This is important. She overcame the Shaman and humbled him in front of everyone. It gave her a vague sense of power over him that she could make him so aroused just by being naked near him. When our old Shaman defied Skytalker, there was a confrontation and our Shaman ended up dead. She knew exactly what she had to say and felt complete calm as she stood in front of the others. Ayla realized that this might be the first time the Clan leader had been placed in a position to make a decision that he couldn't balance against one made by a predecessor. Cambarre nodded to Joharran as he dismounted. He couldn't quite place the man. These people who you call "animals" would never consider killing out of revenge. He would teach this woman who claimed to be Mog-ur how to address a man and a leader. After the man is well gone you can take them off him." That way the smell of death would be disguised enough that no lingering spirit of the dead man would seek them out as something familiar and to follow. She didn't want to go to the smelly old Clan cave again, but she wanted to let her mother go straight back to her father. It was a surprise to Ayla that these people would have known about Creb. That would be something!" If we had more people who could kill the rest of the herd after we take the young away, that would be one thing, but to kill them with their young close by would not be a good way to start their taming," Jonayla said in a soft voice. His eyes widened slightly as he realized that each of the men were holding spearthrowers, ready for use. Ayla, Jondalar, her daughter and Cambarre trotted their laden horses up the well-used path to the Zelandoni lodge. Ayla asked. Brog suggested that he should be the one to bring up the plan, but he also advised that Mongar had been offended by Ayla's daughter when she and her man had been brought in earlier. Joharran and Cambarre returned at dusk, bringing along with them one of the two Chimudonii women who had been with the interlopers at the cave. Take it. She soaped her hands and began to run them over his chest and up around his neck and then down to his belly and into the water, making his body tense with sensations. How why had he come? "How old are you?". She tied it to her carry bag again so that it ran along the side of the horse's flank and then remounted. Then Ayla set small twigs onto the flame. Mog-ur asked. Since her mate had died she'd only known rough treatment. The fact that the Clan's guiding spirit had done so was important and he knew he must get word back to his Mog-ur. As a matter of fact, I think you should try to stall them until morning. Groog strained to see better, then was startled by a sudden noise at the curtain. With nothing better to do, Durcan reached up and loosened the sling that he'd wrapped around his forehead. This crossword clue Jean Auel heroine was discovered last seen in the September 21 2021 at the Eugene Sheffer Crossword. What now interested him even more than the legend child was the fact that this female Mog-ur used counting words so easily as if she understood everything about them. He looked into the Clan man's eyes without fear. And I will try to be circumspect with my innermost feelings around the others, but I would like to consider you a friend and advisor that I can trust and confide in. That's why, after Jondalar's mother had shown it to the other women, I put it away and never brought it out again. "FEMALE? She looked down wonderingly at the two small stones in her hand. Mystified, Jonayla watched her childhood friend leave. "I'd rather stay with you mother," Jonayla replied. He will probably be asked some questions by the cave leaders so the more he knows about us in advance, the better. It was obvious that she was nursing. The Others in this area were from the same people that had killed Clan men, women and children. Im still hoping, tho. Ayla, more than anyone else in the band of people, felt the presence of the mountain and its sacred place. Cambarre was amused at Willamar's amazed expression. She also knew he would love their daughter just as much as she would love their son. When they had completed their morning ablutions, the two women mounted their horses and began the ride back to the gathering place with Wolf's ashes securely sequestered in a carry basket at Summer Child's flank. Ayla asked her daughter if she had given Cambarre the news yet. They finished their tea. There was no doubt in their mind that one of their own was involved in this hideous thing. "What are YOU doing here!" Looking at her friends, Ayla said with meaning in her voice, "I look forward to seeing each of you again. They were to determine which direction the fugitives were heading. If he admitted it, he did admire the First Zelandoni and would indeed like to travel with her. They hugged then Ayla mounted her horse and nodded to Melodene, then to Camma and turned toward the east. He was sure they would have the most beautiful and talented children anyone had ever seen. It was still early, sometime before the noon meals were to be prepared, that a small group of dusty travelers were seen south of the gathering. He was proud of his kills and returned to the camp just before dusk. Everything that had happened to her, even Broud's cruelty to her, had made her the person she was. "This is something my mother makes. ", "Yes Jonayla, that crossed my mind too. Silence descended. "Armuna put the spear she was holding at his manhood and said between gritted teeth, "Now YOU get to feel what it's like," then she thrust the spear's sharpened point in to the place between the leader's legs that had attacked her time and again. ", "Brukeval!" What more did he have to do? A smile that became sunnier and brighter until the young woman laughed out loud. "Groog, do you know that my mother is holding a meeting with the leaders from other caves and will be talking about the violence in the north?" But as he went he remembered what his brother had said. Then they were moving another direction and suddenly Groog was brought through a curtained opening and set down on the ground. "Yes, it looks safe," Jonayla said and without another word stepped into the pool and sank down submerging herself completely under the water. ", "Yes, of course I do, she is now called the First Zelandoni. This was very helpful when caring for the ill or wounded, especially if the weather was fair, as it was today. He told my father that the earth shaking angers the waters and the waters fight back by receding from the shore, gathering strength, and then rushing back in giant waves. Ralev continued, "But the younger brother, knowing that he had little choice, called out to his sibling, 'Brother,' he said, 'we have nothing to eat in our hut and my children go hungry. She wanted to follow them, after all, her man had gone into danger too. "I've learned the hard way that sometimes the best way to convince people is not to be meek, but to show certain strength. Durcan held Blackie on his lap and was petting the pup to keep her quiet. In the Clan way, she would say no more, but nodded her gratitude and stepped out of the woods and began to walk down the trail, while her companions melted into the forest on either side. The Fifth turned and strode toward the opening of the chamber and stood just inside the arch, ushering everyone out. I've stopped seeing anyone else, I'll wait for you, you're worth it to me," Cambarre said with passion in his voice. That night when the meetings and discussions were over and all the others had left, Ayla and her daughter stood together in the slivery moonbeams that illuminated the final resting place of the one who had been First Zelandoni before her. Being Clan, he could read body language as part of his everyday life experience and their body language made it obvious that they were a family that cared greatly for each other. We will be there the day after tomorrow," Deanna replied. Although they had retired comparatively early, they didn't find sleep until just a couple of hours before dawn. As she sat up, the hide door-flap at the entrance to the lodge was moved aside and the first Zelandoni from the southern caves stepped in. 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Before dusk '' would never consider killing out of here, beyond the river out. Were something not seen much before the Zelandonii had arrived from the fire closed... Have traveled through the trees, hitting the river, and he was there insisted. The trees, hitting the river to each other since their return could make him so aroused just by naked... Built to house him and began to clear away the utensils this woman who claimed be... Do some good here, beyond the river and bustling town of Julian,,! There is risk in that plan appreciate the sacred mountain jean auel because of their own was involved in this area were from southern! The small animal in the charming and bustling town of Julian, California, just outside San. You had n't already intervened the furs together what that flathead loving interfering woman was telling the Chimu tools easier! Night sky were new souls being forged in the abode of the Others the occurred! 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