Later on, after drowning his worries in alcohol Jeffrey drunkenly drives Quincy's car until he was stopped by an officer named Justin who insults him because of his sexuality. Jim and Katheryn Cryer are at war with almost everyone who has crossed their path. "Of course, all I would get," she added, "is a mop . After the campaign speech, Landon is fired by Veronica and David as Jeffery watches. Wyatt's hatred of Candace began when it was revealed the latter was having an affair with his father, since learning this fact he started making jokes or insinuations of Candace liking older men which causes his father to put him in his place to stop him from exposing said affair. Laura is an ex girlfriend of Wyatt's, and also an ex addict. He looks at the picture of lizzie once more and starts to cry before confessing to the hit and run that led to lizzie's death and benny's critical condition. Jeffrey then goes to Candace's house who was completely shocked that Oscar had blackmail her by stealing the four million dollars that she secretly got from Jim who she thinks appointed Oscar to take the money back as he tries to wrap his head around how Candace lost money and what part Jim plays into this, Candace calls Jim and Oscar who states he will go to Candace's house to get his money back from her. But she makes it through the speech. Who he was very happy with despite her leading him up to the path of drug abuse and other influences. Jim tells the two to switch clothes and while they do so he tells Norman he's sorry that he had to the fall for a thankless young man. Jeffery enabled this behavior! When Wyatt was raped (in a secret revenge scheme by Veronica Harrington) in prison Jim was shocked and sadden to hear this threatening to kill the guard who allowed the rapist in the cell before asking to see his son. Wyatt begs jeffrey not to leave as he is the only friend he's got however, jeffrey still leaves and wyatt is left to sadly watch this before going in the house. but however doing a few episodes Jeffrey feelings for him begin to fade away. Meanwhile, it turns out Jeffrey was at the hospital where the doctor tells him of his condition in which he suffered from broken ribs which the doctor explained to him that he needs to rest so they can heal. In the Season 4 finale, Jeffrey is in Wyatt's room at the hospital where he confesses his feelings once more and starts to apologize for a list of things including Veronica having an inmate raped Wyatt which is overheard by Katheryn Cryer and Jeffrey reluctantly tells her what Veronica did before Katheryn leaves angry. A wealthy, powerful, but extremely snobbish and elitist lawyer, Veronica is the wife of David Harrington and mother of their son Jeffrey, whom she regularly antagonizes for being, in her view, less than manly and later for . Candace walks in on the conversation to try to uncover what is actually going on. As he sits by his friend's side, Veronica walks in and threatens to make him suffer if he were to ever put hand against her in anyway before leaving. Later jeffrey is invited to lunch with his mother and with the help of Candace stand up to veronica and says he doesn't need her money and it is his life and he's free to do as he pleases. He stated that he wyatt did not hit lizzie and benny but he struck Donald who claimed to have not been too hurt and did not press charges against wyatt for the young man seemed to be really sorry for his actions. Candace tells Jeffery not to go over there but he decides to go anyways. Landon once again states Wyatt is straight and doesn't want him as Jeffrey states he doesn't want Landon either only for the latter to bring up their encounter. Is a police officer that pull Jeffery over after the latter took Quincy's car and went drunk driving in the car. It would seem that this love is reciprocated as jeffrey later tells a fellow gay named Landon that although his mother isn't on his side that he still has his father who was okay with his son's lifestyle and supports it. His time with his friend Candace (who became his supporter in season 2) soon erupts into many situations in which her brother arrives at his apartment and he accidentally kisses him. Later on, he speaks with the DA and confesses to the crime giving them the exact full details of the incident. When Jeffrey was grieving over Wyatt's death, veronica mocked his manhood continuously until he loses control and stabs her in the chest before leaving the Cryer House. He is often shown as the Black Sheep of the family.Due to him having the tendency to act out and his history of reckless behavior; which has caused negative views from his family, to be placed on him. In Season 2 jeffrey has been disowned by his mother who has fired him from his job, has kicked him out of his apartment and canceled all his credit cards leaving him without a home or money until he submits to her will. The Haves and The Have Nots Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He and Wyatt then examine the car and while doing so he discovers that his mother is having an affair with Benny, to which he watches in horror as wyatt begins to videotape it with his phone. Jeffrey then became paranoid as he slowly opens the door and noticed that Quincy was not there which told him it was safe to exit the apartment. David talks with Jeffrey about this issue and says that Jeffrey being gay is really an issue to his mother's health but tells him not to take shame in how he lives his own life. I will NOT watch a 3rd season of this non-sense! Veronica then orders Melissa to go into the kitchen as well. Landon soon spots Wyatt and asks if Jeffery and Wyatt have done anything he tells on he's just there to support him. When Jeffery ruined wyatt's chance of getting back together with his ex-girlfriend laura wyatt was shocked and hurt by his friend's betrayl and told him in a cutting and unsparing moment he is neither gay or bisexual and not attracted to him in anyway leading to the termination of their friendship. Sure, the auteur gave us closure on our relationships with Candace (dead), Benny (dead), Wyatt ( finally dead! At Amanda's funeral, Wyatt was very furious to see Candace grabbing her arm and calling her a whore while Candace nonchalantly called him an alcoholic before moving to express her respect to Jim and Katheryn. She tells Jeffrey veronica has them both where she wants them but Jeffrey rebukes that by saying she has her not him. OPRAH IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF HARPO, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2023 HARPO PRODUCTIONS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Jim then drives Wyatt to the prison where Wyatt nervously asks the reason for being them there as Jim tells Wyatt he' giving him a taste of life in prison since he's not afraid of going there. The two are shocked and wonder what to do as Candace tells him to do as Veronica says for now but Jeffrey refuses to allow her to control him again but Candace says to do it until she has a plan but he states he is sick of her and his mother's manipulations and wishes to be like them before leaving. He returns to Candace's house where he spots police with two people one of them by Quita Maxwell, Quincy's sister (who had snuck in Candace's house looking for Quincy). Wyatt is shown following his father's advice by not speaking to the police even after almost throwing up and confessing after being shown the graphic picture of lizzie who is described to have look so disgusting that her funeral couldn't allow a open casket wyatt still didn't speak up. As jeffrey left wyatt proclaimed him as the only friend he has and begged him to come back. Wyatt goes into the office as the office having changed his tune tells Wyatt to give him his hand or he'll break it. Melissa tells Jeffrey that she had to sleep with him in order to give Veronica a grandchild or else her father will die due to not being able to pay for his cancer treatments. Wyatt is one of the first to find out that Jeffrey is a closeted homosexual who has harbored a secret crush on Wyatt. A man is in the hospital because you wanted heroin! However, Quincy become completely enraged at seeing Jeffrey again and they get into another fight just as Candace runs into her kitchen and grabs a kitchen knife and stabs Quincy in the back. Jeffrey's worries fades when realizes that his mother started the fire. Not only did Candace cop to her true feelings for Charles, a. After a moment of careful consideration, Jim says it looks like Wyatt needs to spend some more time in prison to really learn a lesson and come home. Jeffrey Michael Harrington is a main character in Tyler Perry's The Haves and the Have Nots. When katheryn tells him to come in and eat he says he's not hungry as he is thinking about the things that have just occurred his mother tells him it will be okay but wyatt is unconvinced stating a little girl is dead and hanna's son is in the hospital because of his actions. He spends the rest of the night drinking as he goes through the phone until he is found passed out by Celine who criticizes him for his actions. However, veronica reveals a trump card a picture containing something that shocks jeffrey it is his wrecked car the black sedan that was driven by Wyatt Cryer who while intoxicated hit lizzie and benny young. Quincy is unfazed by the stab and turns his attention back to Candace almost choking her to death. When it looks as if wyatt was about to be released the inspector came in and offered wyatt a cigarette an officer walked in and whispered something unknown into the inspector's ear wyatt was told he was confirmed to be the assailant by lizzie's mother. After staying in the hotel room with Landon veronica is quick to assume they slept together and while scolding him she learns that jeffrey merely stayed over in his room after coming from his apartment while sleeping with the girl veronica assigned. Wyatt reveals he used jeffrey's car and does not remember as he ditched the car alongside the road with that he and his father head out to find the car before the police do to no avail and they return emptyhanded. Viewers seem a bit divided on the scene between these two men at the end of the last episode. ; Arranging for Jeffrey to get Melissa pregnant so he'd be forced to marry her. Candace sees that Jeffrey really cares about her and him stating that he doesn't want to lose another friend like he did with Amanda as she hugs him and thanks him for keeping her safe. Wyatt accuses Jeffrey of trying to do something inappropriate to him however, Jeffrey angrily tells him that he is gay and he has to deal with it. At the Cryer house, Jeffrey cries along with Katheryn until Veronica states real men don't cry and orders him to stop crying and wipe all those tears until Katheryn states that she understands that Jeffrey had loved him which causes Veronica to became very disgusted especially when Hanna goes to comfort Jeffrey telling him it was okay to cry as Veronica told Hanna to get off her son but Hanna told her as soon as she gets off her son (after she found out that Benny and Veronica have sex). Jeffrey goes to visit Wyatt at the hospital to where is relieved to find out that Wyatt didn't die. In Season 4, while in police custody Jeffrey states he would willingly testify against his mother but not his father or the cryers as he believes she is need of help after listing all the things she has done to him. Jim deciding to teach his son a lesson about prison pulled some strings and took Wyatt to the prison where he was to stay for a few days until he was ready to comply. As Quincy moves toward the door, Jeffrey grabs the broken phone and uses it to hit Quincy in the back of his head. However, this alerted Jeffrey that Amanda was really mentally unhinged and she needed help immediately. Jim is almost never affectionate with his son and Wyatt carries a large chip on his shoulder because of this. But I hated it all the way to the end of the season! On the way back home, Wyatt while still visibly scared questioned why his father did that to him to which Jim told him it was to teach him a lesson of respect. The relationship goes well until the two plan a date, and Laura stands him up, under the advice of Jeffrey. The show follows the complicated dynamic between the rich and powerful Cryer family and the hired help who work in their opulent Savannah, Georgia mansion.About OWN:Oprah Winfrey Network is the first and only network named for, and inspired by, a single iconic leader. Katheryn was happy to see her son though still worried now that he's confess to his involment in the hit and run. Later when wyatt confessed to his actions his father is shown deeply worried as his only son is going to jail he rushes into the interrogating room and tells his son not to say anymore but wyatt tells him it's too late. When Veronica sets the family home on fire, Jeffrey worried about her goes to speak with her as she casually shrugs him off. However, Celine is able to intimidate Wyatt into leaving her alone. Veronica asked him why he didn't decide to see Melissa, Jeffrey tells Veronica he has no desire to see her as she tries to blackmail him by reminding him his "girlfriend" is having his child and threaten him to go see Melissa. He is introduced in the pilot episode as a recent release from rehab and is shown not to have changed in his days of rehab as he still possesses an arrogant personality. Wyatt is then heard crying in his room on the computer looking up the girl he ran over as his mother Katheryn walks in and he tells her he killed an innocent little girl by getting high on heroin but his mother tells him he didn't do it wyatt tries to dissuade her before asking if he's going to jail however, katheryn says he is not going anywhere else ever again as his father is handling it. After the guards leave, Jim breaks down in tears showing while he wanted to teach his son a lesson he didn't intend for him to get seriously hurt. When Celine returned after being fired by Jim and Katheryn, Wyatt taunted the former maid as she begged while Celine attempted to ignore him and when Wyatt made comment about not being there for Amanda which made Jim beat him before Hanna stopped him Celine commented "He deserved it". Before he does Melissa questions as to how veronica blackmailed him and why does he let her treat him the way she does to which replies that she doesn't and leaves the apartment. When visiting him she said "He looked scared to death". After Veronica and David walk away, Landon kisses Jeffery in front of Melissa and proceeds to tell her that he is gay. When wyatt questioned if the people he hit were okay his mother said yes while jim bluntly told him the truth and that he was responsible for a tragic incident that affected two innocents. Tyler Perry's The Haves and the Have Nots (2013-2021) is a Prime Time Soap created by Tyler Perry (who also serves as executive producer, and has written and directed every single episode) which airs on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Fortunately, Jeffrey seeing another knife that was left on the floor Candace's fight with Oscar quickly seizes the stray knife and stabs Quincy in the back as Candace helps Jeffrey by stabbing Quincy in the stomach when the latter attempts another attack on Jeffrey. At first,he thinks it's a dream but the tone of his parents tells him he's awake and that he did hit a person(s) wyatt quickly asks if they are okay. When David called Jeffery to tell him he saw Wyatt's body, Jeffery asked if it was really Wyatt and David told him it was Wyatt and that he simply suffered an overdose and was recovering in the hospital. The officer then has two guards come in the room saying he has an inmate being disorderly but Wyatt says he's not an inmate as the two guards grab and pin him to the wall taking off his clothes as Wyatt attempts to fight back however, the head officer performs the cavity search as Wyatt screams. Wyatt looks to his father as the latter take pleasure as Wyatt is again calling him "Dad" again and asks Katheryn how he looked as she mentioned he look scared to death. Subscribe to the this week on own Please accept the Before leaving she pours something on the floor which that could attract blood of the location where it was at which meaning that she has found out about them killing Quincy ahead of time. The police arrive and take wyatt into custody as the young boy calls out to his worried parents with a scared tone as his father promised to get him out. 28 May 2013. Jeffrey is introduced in the Pilot episode, when he and Wyatt return from the latter's latest stint in rehab. Because of his actions at the cemetery wyatt was identified as the driver by Tina as said by the officer that Jim had do survilliance on Hanna Young. Later at night, Wyatt is sleeping as Rico wakes him up to act on his promise but Wyatt punches him as Rico grabs and throws him on the ground attempting to rape him. Landon comes in the room to see if Jeffery is okay. He is well aware that Candace Young is sleeping with his father and often makes jokes on this only to be put in place by someone, especially his father. Despite this, Justin does seem to enjoy his time with Jeffrey who seems to view him as a friend as he was the first Jeffrey told of his stabbing of Veronica and Justin made sure that Jeffrey wasn't wanted by police. Forcing Jeffrey to date women by threatening to have him arrested as an accomplice in Wyatt's vehicular manslaughter. Confesses to the path of drug abuse and other influences the way to path! 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