Another One of Akron Civic Theatre's ghosts is Fred the Janitor, who died during his shift and now returns to finish his work. [2] The "baby cries" have been said to be heard at night or during the day. What do you think of this local legend? Many people believe this is the ghost of the father who lost the child. Legend has it that she fell off the bridge onto the railroad tracks in 1894. [7], Jack Creek, a stream west of Lufkin, Texas, has for years been known as Cry Baby Creek, supposedly because a woman and a baby died when their auto veered off a wooden bridge and fell into the steep creek. [2][3], Map: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}405628N 814031W / 40.94111N 81.67528W / 40.94111; -81.67528, Maud Hughes Road is located in Liberty Township, Butler County, Ohio. This old-fashioned general store is believed to have a ghostly inhabitant in the basement, and is generally off limits to the public and visitors. Louie was allegedly killed right outside on the inn's front steps. It scared the crap out of me so I told my dad to get me out of there and I never went back! One says that long ago a woman tossed her unwanted newborn over the bridge, and now the phantom scene replays here along with the sound of a Rose Hill Burial Park, founded in the 1920s, is haunted by a ghostly lady in white and ghost lights that witnesses say appear toward the back of the graveyard, possibly near the Jewish section. I havent been back there since not even as I got older I can say one thing though something definitely doesnt want you there or near that bridge. In order to see each other, the girl would sneak out at night after her parents were asleep and flash the porch light (or a flashlight) three times to signal the motorcyclist. Trustee Chair Steve Bailey asked if that bridge is completely on his property and in the township, noting the close proximity of Goshen Township, but Howells said he checked with the county engineers office and the bridge is in Perry Township. New album "Cult of Endless Famine" coming soon. Wed love to hear more stories if you got them. Is there something about the road that makes people wreck into the creek? Thank you! Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. Staff have reported seeing an old man smoking a pipe in the basement, and visitors have also smelt the overwhelming aroma of tobacco smoke on all Hamlin Hall has a haunt. There have been reported sightings of many ghosts, including numerous apparitions in period clothing wandering around the building. This historic mansion may still be in operation as an inn, but is more renowned for a recurring apparition reported here by former tenants and guests. In terms of routes, there are some roads, like Ohios Buckley Road, that are better left untraveled. It is believed multiple spirits reside here. The apparition and cold spots that appear and disappear around a stairwell are said to belong to a young man who passed away inside the building. It's Halloween, but there are some spooky places in the Valley that can bring out the scares virtually any night of the year. You have entered an incorrect email address! Feargus B. Squire planned to built a mansion as well, but until then, his family took up residence in the cottage. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Weird, I know, but that's what I see in the ectoplasm-like stuff. According to legend, the bridge actually located on the now vacated West Pine Lake Road is supposedly haunted by a crying baby, but a check on the Internet shows that there are bridges in multiple states with this name, including a few more in Ohio. Why would so many people go into the creek with their cars? TBH, Ive always heard there were cults operating out of Salem area. Johnny Mango World Cafe & Bar is reportedly haunted by several ghosts, the oldest being a woman named Margaret who died in 1895 when her trolley car ran into the Cuyahoga River. And while there are many Cry Baby bridges in Ohio, the one in Salem is the most notorious. Located just off Egypt road, theres no way to use the bridge, but you can still explore the area leading up to the bridge. K. THE SHITS REAL IVE BEEN THERE. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. I to have heard the urban legends and many towns have one or some version of one. But after taking this picI'm a full believer And now I'm am in the Process of purchasing "Ghost Hunting" tools and starting up a Ghost Hunting Club, I'm with Bellissima, I would like to visit Crybaby Bridge. EAST PALESTINE A nationwide inspection of rail routes for hazardous materials will begin right here in East YOUNGSTOWN Expert witnesses for the plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit against Norfolk Southern will collect LISBON The Columbiana County commissioners approved a ban on construction of large solar facilities and large EAST PALESTINE Gov. For Howells, though, its a nightmare people tearing down his Private Property/No Trespassing signs, painting graffiti all over the bridge and surrounding area with all types of profanity, dumping all types of animals on the property and dumping trash which he has to clean up. They think its a public park. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Whatever you do, dont take off down the road to nowhere on the other side of the bridge. hell out of both us . There is a story of a mother who lost her baby while the mother and father were fighting, the baby was found at the bottom of the driveway where a bridge was, as the mother was running to save her baby, the baby fell over the bridge, to this day you can hear the scream of the baby and it's mother coming to save it. But if its not smoke then I'm truly amazed. (Submitted by Callum Swift). So, she decides to end the baby's suffering by taking it to Crybaby Bridge and throwing it over the side.. Railroad tracks lie 25 feet below the bridge, and at least 36 people are said to have been reported dead on or around the Maud Hughes Road Bridge. I was standing just off the side of the road on the other side of the bridge.An no one was in the wreaker at all . It is unknown exactly when the bridge was built, but recorded stories of the bridge occurred as far back at 1977. My dad used to have to pull vehicles out of the creek when they ran off the road . Its private property.. Home Layout 3NewsTechnology All CodingHosting Create Device Mockups Browser with DeviceMock Creating Local Server From Public Address Professional Gaming Can Build Career CSS Properties You Should Know The Psychology Price. After all, these are called Crybaby locations because you can hear the cries of the lost children calling out to you at night. She is an Ohio native with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from E.W. Like many other Crybaby bridges it involves a tragic story of a childs death. Yes I myself find it scary and strange that so many people went off that part of the road into beaver creek . Keep reading to learn all about the legend of Cry Baby Bridge. Make some arrests, do something, he pleaded to trustees Monday. Known as the local Crybaby Bridge (almost every county in Ohio has one), there are several stories that involve the bridge. A large section of the road is permanently closed; the bridge lies just before the south end of the closed section. In Hubbard, Ohio, the area where Pathour Wheeler Road and John White Road intersect is known to locals as "Hell's Corners." This historic apartment has a darker history, and has a terrifying haunting associated with the building. In the book store section of the building, staff report an entity that pushes books off shelves, and has been known to rearrange furniture while they are in the basement. Furthermore, in 1983, a satanic cult apparently gathered at the bridge, and individuals found many sacrificed animals at the site. I bet they both were really upset. The Importance of Numerology in Marriage But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Whatever happened at that Cry Baby Bridge, many people claim that you can hear a baby crying late into the night, as well as other mysterious happenings. Howells said people need to be aware that its private property. You can also visit the Walhalla Road Bridge in Columbus if you want a scare. I'm from salem and I grew up on egypt road. I think something must have happened there for these photos to have happened. Squire's Castle is only a shell of a castle built in the 1890s by Feargus B. Squire. WFMJ | 101 W. Boardman Street | Youngstown, OH 44503. People hear disembodied footsteps on the upper floors and on the grand staircase. This building dates back to 1892, and is rumored to have once housed both a speakeasy and a brothel. The following nine bridges are what we consider to be some of the most haunted bridges in Ohio and their stories arent for the faint of heart. Who is he? This is one of the many reasons people visit year after year. Its definitely a paranormal experience I wont ever forget. The Egypt Road "Cry Baby Bridge" (pictured) isn't actually located on Egypt Road, but on an old, unusual road right off of Egypt Road in Salem near the Mahoning County line. I have seen mist come up from the river, gather on the bridge, take the form of a human shape, and move toward me, but it looked nothing like this picture. You have seen something truly supernatural! Lol, the picture you took is nowhere near the bridge. The legendary Sarah Jane is Sarah Jane Block, who lost no children and lived to the age of 99. Why precisely he would have chosen this method is not known, whether it actually occurred On Shenango Road, just before it meets Ashwood Road, is Summit Cut Bridge (sometimes incorrectly referred to as Summer Cut Bridge). This historic opera house was formerly the town church, built in the mid nineteenth century and the first in the surrounding county. We have a crybaby tunnel in Chillicothe Ohio. The haunted cry baby bridge experience is a location where many people have reported seeing a crying ghost who appears to be looking for help. Trustees said theyll talk to Police Chief Mike Emigh about the situation at the bridge, but also asked Howells to call police immediately if he sees someone trespassing or finds anything identifying in the trash or any video footage. However, its decommissioned and overgrown, making the bridge hard to see because of all the vegetation. Waiting down the road from the girls house (which is no longer standing,) he would see the flashing lights from the top of the street and drive down the hills on his motorcycle to meet up with her. The child was either lost or drowned in the water below. He said he doesnt want police to just chase the trespassers and offenders away. This hotel has been in operation for well over a century, so it is more than likely that some of the spectres in this hotel were guests who never checked out. Some say the child drowned beneath the bridge, while others say it just wandered off. I do believe at least some of the stories about this area may be true, put publishing fake pictures does nothing to help the ghost hunting community. [8], "Sarah Jane Bridge" on East Port Neches Avenue in Port Neches, Texas, is said to be the bridge from which a baby of the same name was thrown into the alligator-infested water by a man who had murdered the child's mother. Kimberly Mitchell, a local paranormal historian, described another legend where a woman has a child out of wedlock and is disowned by her family and end her child's life here. That story is so awful! He is seen in various rooms of the house, as well as by motorists driving past the house in an upstairs window. The latter narratives make mention of purported Satanic churches near the bridge and the appearance of the Goatman. Was there many years ago. Paranormal investigator and researcher John Albrecht travels to Ohio, to explore a reportedly haunted location in Salem known as the crybaby bridge of Egypt Road. April is the Ohio staff writer for Only in Your State. As a matter of fact, these free campsites are yours. . Its because that baby and parents can't get over it and they can't move on. She is an Ohio native with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from E.W. Howells submitted a letter detailing how the bridge was abandoned by the Columbiana County Engineer in 1985 at the request of then property owner Richard Johnson. Edited by Egypt Road Crybaby Bridge - It is said that one day as the baby's parents were arguing, the baby went to the bottom of the driveway where the bridge was. When the parents noticed the baby was missing, they noticed it was on the bridge. Brenna said "I've heard a couple stories about why you're supposed to hear babies crying when you go to Crybaby Bridge off Egypt Road. . These stories arent particularly unique to the bridge or the area many of the other Crybaby locations have similar or even the same stories attached to them. Your Ghost Stories is your source for sharing paranormal experiences and hauntings. At first I thought the pic could have been smoke or something but when I took a closer look I saw that there was a circle in the smoke that made it look unnatural. I debunked the one in my town, but people still believe what they want and tell the stories to frighten others. Ohio has a lot to offer, but nothing is quite as creepy and mysterious as Cry Baby Bridge. Nobody said anything about spontaneous combustion though lol. This historic farmhouse property is rumoured to have a whole horde of ghostly inhabitants. Who knows? The closed Egypt Road Bridge, or Crybaby Bridge, is haunted day and night by the sound of a crying baby. While in Ohio, make sure to visit Visit the Ohio State Reformatory. I think they want to believe things you can't explain.. I am surprised at your pics! Everett Road Covered Bridge in Peninsula is another bridge many say is experiencing hauntings by the ghost of a farmer. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I heard the wreaker shift in to gear by itself I yelled at my dad the wreaker is moving by it drove into the side of the bridge before my dad could stop it . Currently closed and defended by a single, rusty bar, the Egypt Road Bridge forces ghost hunters to decamp from their cars and walk across its spooky surface. They say that to this day, on certain nights, you can still hear her screaming. So some night if you find yourself in a dark place and see or hear something you can't explain, maybe it's best if you leave quickly to ensure you don't become a legend yourself. That would show that you are open to all possibilities, even in light of this proof of a photograph. A Local legend has it that this restaurant is haunted by two spirits: a ghost named Louie and the apparition of a woman. April is the Ohio staff writer for Only in Your State. Salem Ohio - Cry Baby Bridge. Ghostly activity is mainly reported on the fourth floor, where lights turn on and off of their own accord and faucets switch on Franklin Castle was built in the mid 1800s by Hans Tiedemann, a wealthy German immigrant. New Castle's downtown and Historical North Hill have several haunted locations including the old Stritmater Building, the Wallace House, the Historical Society's Greer-Clavelli Mansion, the old Temple Building, and the Joseph White House. Passing motorists claim to have seen the figure of a spectral woman standing at windows, and have seen strange lights moving from room to room on the downstairs level. Check out Boston, Ohio. It is said Sarah Jane can be heard crying from the water when one stands on the bridge on hot summer nights. The township had been paying $600 per year, but Armeni said he talked with Salem City Service/Safety Director Joe Cappuzzello who told him about the increased costs for the city to grind down the materials and get rid of them. Ok, so I lied. Visitors have reported eerie sounds and ghostly cries from a baby can be heard day or night. You never know until you visit that Cry Baby Bridge for yourself. You need to take more and post them as well. The other legends go as follows: This whole area is ultra creepy. I know from read some of Dale Shaffers books on the history of Salem . Here is some info. The building is believed to be haunted by a former owner and the builder of the house, who has been known to communicate 1927 building The Variety Theater was a vaudeville house, then a movie theater until the early 1980s. Legend has it that a baby went missing while its parents were fighting, and it fell over the side of the bridge. A bridge on Sleepy Hollow Road near the border between Jefferson and Oldham counties in Kentucky was known as Crybaby Bridge. Doors open and close by themselves, objects move around by themselves and the apparition of a man in a sombrero has been seen in the We have had numerous sitings at the Taverne. The closed Egypt Road Bridge, or Crybaby Bridge, is haunted day and night by the sound of a crying baby. May have been a simple trick of fate to be there just at this time, but it is a nice photo. No matter what story you heard, they all end with the sound of a baby crying. Pro Tip: Looking for more spooky sites in Ohio? There is a story of a mother who lost her baby while the mother and father were fighting, the baby was found at the bottom of the driveway where a bridge was, as the mother was running to save her baby, the baby fell over the bridge, to this day you can hear the scream of the baby and it's mother coming to save it. These cookies do not store any personal information. (Submitted by Callum Swift). I do know one thing: this place is haunted. One of the most popular stories is about a mother who threw her baby over the bridge. cry baby bridge kirtland, ohio cry baby bridge kirtland, ohio. Cry Baby Bridge 3 Reviews Address: 1529 Egypt Rd, Salem, Ohio, United States Leave a review Favorite Get Directions Location Description There are many bridges throughout the country that carry on legends of the past. The child's mother, a headless ghost wandering the woods nearby, can also be heard whispering "Sarah Jane" as she searches the forest with a lantern. Something reportedly presses down on students in bed and throws off their blankets. Thats because her family disowned her after the babys birth. However, you can walk up to the barrier. I dont know if that has anything to do with the haunting there . Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. Cry Baby Bridge, Salem Ohio (Paranormal Investigation) 1,241 views Mar 7, 2021 13 Dislike Share Save Andrew Pitko Vlogs 115 subscribers The boys are back. Cry Baby Bridge is in Salem, Ohio, a small town in the northeast corner of the state. Many used it as a motor vehicle bridge on West Pine Lake Road. [5] The closed road remains as an access way to high-voltage utility lines. This bridge is located on Galehouse Road, between Rogue Hollow Road and Hametown Road. Caine Road Covered Bridge Is The Most Irresistably Charming Roadside Attraction In Ohio, The One Small Town In Ohio With More Historic Buildings/Places Than Any Other, Theres A Castle Hiding Just Outside Cleveland, Ohio, And Its An Epic Royal Adventure, The Stunning Building In Ohio That Looks Just Like Hogwarts, Paddle Past A Real Life Castle On This Only-In-Ohio Kayaking Adventure, Once The Tallest Building Between New York And Chicago, Ohios Key Tower Was A True Feat Of Engineering, Take An Elevator Ride To An Ohio Overlook Thats Like The Miniature Empire State Building, This Epic Road Trip Leads To 7 Iconic Landmarks In Ohio, Here Are The 16 Best Places To Spot A Ghost In Ohio. Evil Eye is an envious look directed at a person that can result in misfortune, disease or severe injuries. I have even seen a photo that a buddy of mine took that is definitive proof something is haunting that area. The historic manor was once a nursing home, and folks claimed the spirit of a little boy would pay a visit now and then. Few people realize just how many haunted bridges there are hiding in the Buckeye State. The old tavern building was built in the 1840s, and was a cabinet shop in its early years. The photograph shows what appears to be a white apparition staring down into the street from a window on the second floor. This is the story of Crybaby Bridge. The hill that on the part of the road closed off people use to call it Reeses hill . (1 stories) (2 posts) (the author is a middle age adult). [2], In Weird Maryland: Your Travel Guide to Maryland's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets, authors Matt Lake, Mark Moran, and Mark Sceurman include three first-person narratives of crybaby bridge experiences in Maryland. Hands down, Cry Baby Bridge in Salem is Ohios scariest bridge. We are a directory of community added historical locations, paranormal locations, and locations of the unexplained. Long-forgotten structures of the past with roads that are no longer drivable, theyre often the center of Ohios creepiest legends. The parents are too wrapped up in their fight to notice their child has disappeared and by the time they realize its missing its far too late and their child has been caught up by the waters rushing beneath the bridge and pulled under. These include feeling as though someone (or something) is pushing you into the creek below. Trustees also appointed Brian Toothman to fill the spot of Jim Drotleff on the Zoning Appeals Board which expires Jan. 5, 2026 and corrected the remaining terms for members of the Zoning Appeals Board. But they both drowned. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. The bridge locally called, Cry Baby Bridge and I located in Salem, Ohio off of Egypt Road (which has been closed for years near the bridge). Let us know! The legend says that a car carrying a man and a woman stalled on top of the bridge. While the details of the legend are unclear, the screams of a baby late into the night aren't. The Egypt Road "Cry Baby Bridge" isn't actually located on Egypt Road, but on an old, unusual road right off of Egypt Road in Salem near the Mahoning County line. Its also hard to catch a ghost on picture. I know of the stories. As with most urban legends, there are multiple stories about why the dilapidated bridge is haunted. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This bridge is located in the . This includes five teens who hung themselves off the bridge in the 1970s. During its history, a cruel schoolmistress punished a girl to the extent that she died, leading to the closure of the school and the basis of the haunting that occurs nowadays. What else could the explanation be for strange white apparitions and the tendency for animals here to turn from tame to fierce and bloodthirsty? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Baby rabbits sound exactly like screaming babies when scared or in danger. Share your stories and experiences with us and be sure to check out our previous article, Here Are The 16 Best Places To Spot A Ghost In Ohio. That you are open to all possibilities, even in light of this proof of a Castle built the! A woman an Ohio native with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from E.W feeling as though someone or... Feeling as though someone ( or something ) is pushing you into the below! 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