The Cancer Sun-Moon pairing is made up of two of the most mysterious signs in the zodiac, making it an idealistic one with a highly romantic personality. Her creative nature makes her attractive to the Moon in Cancer Man, who views her as his mirror. Moodiness is an obvious trait of the cancer moon sign man, Trait 2. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Cancer Moon Personality. Finding an outlet for your creativity is important and highly beneficial for your well-being. They love to update their decor, as small changes mean big mood changes, and even though they have their favorite things, some new additions are always welcome. If that secret is about to become public, trust a Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon to know a long time in advance. The Cancer Moon woman is a highly sensitive and reactive. The cancer moon man may idealize the past to such an extent that no present event measures up. He cares for each of them in different ways. Cancerian men are natural homebodies, deeply attached to their personal space, which they like to feel cushy and comfy, with a deep, soft sofa to lounge around on. Cancer is about protecting the people you love, and material things really matter to you. Mamas boys themselves, a Cancer man usually has a very close relationship with his mother and will want to take care of her at home in her elder years, rather than letting her go live in a nursing home. The moons influence over the zodiacs fourth sign brings with it sharp intuition, Trait 8. What does this placement say about your emotions? They like to be with loved ones in a place they feel safe and secure. Remember, this moodiness is only a result of them feeling everything very deeply. The Cancer Moon likes taking care of people, too, especially family members. If youre ready to understand your moon in Cancer man, and if you want to catch him and keep him click here to learn more about Cancer Man Secrets. They also keep things in perspective and tend to reflect upon whats truly important in life, as well as their role in it. With a moon in cancer, these men are likely to be financially stable and responsible. You can establish healthier habits, such as eating more healthily and getting adequate rest. These natural-born nurturers are often found readily spooning mush, changing diapers, and rocking little ones to sleep. Even though he excels in this career, it can be draining to his soul, and thus he needs to take moments off and recharge in solitude. Cancer Moon, meanwhile, prefers to be more private. My spirit animal is the mighty barn owl. At times, when the moon's ebb and flow is most powerful, Cancer moons have an almost childlike emotional state of being since they are so in-tune with other worldly energies.. They often act as if they were living in a world that has already come to pass, meaning they excel at long-term planning. Cancer Moons are very loyal and protective of their loved ones. Any man that has Cancer for their moon is going to be more emotionally driven. The Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon man can be the prince of any woman. The Cancer man possesses many traits that may cause others to perceive them as mysterious. We also feel the need for safety and securityespecially financial securityand as such, our money behaviors shift. This gives Cancer Moons an innate need to take action in all areas that involve emotions, usually acting as a support system to others. A Cancer Moon signifies the nurturing impulses of a Cancer Sun. If Cancer Moon is happy to let Leo Moon be the center of attention, this union can thrive. Cancer Moon Personality Traits Here is a quick overview of some of the sign of cancers most noteworthy traits. Sensitive: This person is generally an empath and guards their heart from acquaintances. They are very in touch with their emotions and can sense what the people around them are also feeling. Although not overly ambitious with money or success, Cancer Moon men are very protective of the assets they have accumulated. As a water sign, the cancer moon man may display constantly changing moods, or rather, moodiness. Cancer, a water sign, is the fourth sign of the zodiac. This is due to their sensitivity, which also makes them the best listeners. Once settled, he takes on the role of the extremely protective family man who does everything to keep his loved ones safe. If you were born when the Moon was in the zodiac sign of Cancer, you are one lucky babe! They are compassionate, loyal and comforting. They seek social and emotional fulfillment from others, yet often feel misunderstood because they cant explain how they feel so deeply. They tend to spend a lot of time thinking about what they have done or not done. Their moods often vary depending upon their emotional climate to the outside world. As long as this crustacean is willing to scuttle toward the future, youll get to see him come into his own power trusting in his gifts of sensitivity and giving kindness. So it doesnt matter how intellectual or stoic he may seem, there are still some underlying tense feelings with this guy. One thing is certain, a man with a cancer moon sign is sure to take excellent care of you and his loved ones. This means that they are likely to rub a good number of people the wrong way. Morality and ethics are incredibly important to Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon women, who are likely to be the give a hoot volunteers for their community. He will likely want to spend all of his time with you and take care of you. Thanks for reading this article! His mood swings may be unsettling for his partner due to the unpredictability that comes with it, but once you understand the reason behind his moodiness (more on this later) youre better equipped to deal with him. He is a natural healer in a world that is full of negative energy and wounded souls. Apart from copious amounts of cuddling and foreplay, you can expect gentle and passionate lovemaking. pintrk('track', 'addtocart'); However, they need to work on opening up to each other. Cancers need to be inspired. However, the Cancer sign also makes this man caring and compassionate and is extremely passionate when it comes to matters of the heart. A soft and feminine Cancer woman is passionate, intuitive and nurturing. He wears their shoes and gets to feel their deepest emotions. Their ability to soak up the feelings of others can easily lead to an emotional imbalance, and often they are distracted from their own path by taking on the needs of others. It really does open and broaden their capacities as a man. Cancer men are a pleasure to shop for because they genuinely love receiving gifts and romantic displays of affection especially if you give them something that has special meaning for you. Hes a total dream come true for someone who loves to receive affection. She is a nurturer, has great love for their family and friends, very sensitive to others feelings, highly intuitive, strong possessive emotions, and likes to have control over situations in which they are involved. The moon is a highly sensitive planet and can feel the emotions of her children strongly. She has a dramatic flare, and is often found as an actress, writer, or painter. Leo Moon has a flair for the dramatic and tends to exaggerate things. RELATED: How Moon Sign Compatibility Affects Relationships. In romantic relationships, Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon women care deeply about what their partner does and says. The Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon Man. The Moon in Cancer Man is a rare gem in the universe and beyond. Both Cancer and Pisces Moon signs are highly receptive and sensitive to the emotional tone surrounding them. They are also very loyal so once they decide that they want something, they will stop at nothing until they get it. The Cancer Moon man is quiet, sensitive, moody and intense. This will enable him to protect himself and protect others better too. In a relationship, the Cancer man is loyal, and he will go out of his way to take care of you. While Cancer Moon is more emotional, Taurus Moon can bring steadiness and stability to this union. A Cancer man is usually financially responsible. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-PX348M8'); They go about achieving their goals and dreams aggressively. Making friends with them is not difficult - they are usually overtly friendly and like to talk about their feelings. Based out of Brooklyn, New York, her work covers all things social justice, pop culture, and human interest. She is loyal to the roots and adores children. Whether or not they share their creations with others They are loyal, caring, understanding, patient and sensitive. Their mothering instinct never fully leaves them; they often feel responsible for people and will go out of their way for friends. RELATED: Sun, Moon & Rising Sign Meanings, Per Astrology. In its domicile location, the Cancer Moon is nurturing and caring, building a home wherever they go. So no matter what his Sun sign is, this Moon sign changes the game for him. If not, you may encounter a barnacle-encrusted relic of former glory days who fears progress and change. These people are very intuitive; they can just sense things about your mood and will give you advice if they think you are having a bad day or if something is wrong with your life. WebThe Aries Sun Cancer Moon person is bold and aggressive; yet soft and accommodating. If youre close friends, you can expect social gatherings in the form of invites to his home. As highly sensitive beings, these men view sex as more than just a physical activity. And, know thathes the ideal candidate to bring home to meet your parents:His manners will be impeccable at dinner, and hell have already charmed your mom and dad into thinking hes the best guy youve ever dated by the time the appetizers arrive. However, they have ample good qualities that outshine their hypersensitivity and moodiness. He can spread positivity and bring light to those in the dark. By nature, people born under the Aries zodiac are ambitious. Even though smoking jackets and slippers have fallen out of style, you might see a Cancer man rocking this look while sitting in his big cozy chair near the fire. She enjoys pampering him with love, affection, and attention. Cancer Moon men are real charmers. would be a great motto for the cancer moon man. Also read: Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon Personality. Your Cancer moon guy is likely very sensitive, loving, and seems to care a whole lot about who you are, what youre going through, and what you need. He listens to others, feels their pain, cries, and laughs with them in joyful moments. Talking about emotions, Cancer Moon people are often uncomfortable with expressing their emotions in front of others. They are expert nurturers and flourish when they direct some of their caring qualities to their own self-love. They will even sacrifice themselves for the happiness of those close to them. Love and success is very important to them in terms of having a happy life because they want everyone around them to stay happy also. Sun in Cancer people are known for loving with all of their hearts. Seekers of peace and harmony, these men will endeavor to make their home environment a calm and tranquil one. She is complex, mysterious and caring. At one moment they could be all happy, cheerful, and bright and at the other moment, they will be all sulky, irritable and dull. Interestingly, Cancer is the only sign naturally ruled by the moon, and its energy and light are seen on the Moon in Cancer man. Ive had women write in about men that are pegged for being cold or stoic. Hes also here to help populate humanity by finding a wife and having some amazing children. Being around family will be a huge priority for this sign, especially when trying to feel emotionally fulfilled. She has a gift for empathy, especially with people who are suffering. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My name is Anna Kovach, and Im a Relationship Astrologer. Like the moon, the Moon in Cancer Man is a nurturer who seeks to protect what he is responsible for. Cancer Man Breakup What Happens If Things End. Men born under the sign of the Crab can be more attached to a romantic ideal than to reality so the man you meet online or long-distance may be very different than the one you get to know. As a man with your Moon in Cancer, you are very sensitive even when you pretend not to care. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He is quite sensitive and a caring partner. Least compatible with Aries Moon, Sagittarius Moon, and Leo Moon. She likes to keep her environment tidy and organized. They are great listeners and often encouraging types. When it comes to the people he loves, he becomes wild when they are hurt and would fight until he sheds the last drop of his blood to protect them. They have the ability to read people well and can sense people with bad vibes from a mile away. The cancer moon male feels most secure and confident in his home environment and will therefore never venture too far out, or for too long. The Cancer person is sympathetic, emotional and instinctive. Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon women are best known for their nurturing, supportive and kindhearted nature. RELATED:Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age (And Your Ruling Planet). They can best be described as highly sensitive and intuitive individuals who are very compassionate when it comes to the feelings of others. Due to his kind nature, people and animals are drawn to him. They can be very moody and have a tendency to retreat into their own world at times. Because of their strong family ties, Cancers often do not fit into the traditional singleminded pursuit of wealth. That being said, when you embrace a Cancer moon man, youll need to be open to allowing him to spend much time in your own home as you will go spend time in his. Cancer is a water sign. Because of this, looking at moon sign compatibility is important for the longevity of a relationship.The Cancer Moon is most compatible with Libra Moon, Scorpio Moon, and Pisces Moon. Once at home, a Cancer man wants to feel at ease and completely unwind, usually while wearing sweatpants or a robe. Ruled by the planet moon, which waxes and wanes, the Cancer moon sign men are also known for their mood swings. Thats why he would do everything for the people he cares about. They are also sensitive, idealistic, modest, and caring for others' feelings. A cancer moon sign brings with it razor-sharp intuition and perceptiveness. These men also want to feel secure in their relationship and value consistency. Cancers are highly sensitive and empathic. Ideal careers for Cancer Moons include being self-employed, or having a job focused in writing, real estate, psychology, photography or art, teaching, music, childcare, nursing, healthcare, catering, or public speaking. Not ones to chase spontaneity or extreme passion, Cancer Moons prefer secure, stable relationships. Because of their complexity, they look for stability in their lives. Cancer moon man is also rather empathetic. In a mean and cruel world, he is quick to absorb the negative energy around him. Because of their willingness to keep giving, this sign may attract needy people and should therefore have firm personal boundaries in place to protect their energy. While Cancer Moon could benefit from letting some of this optimism in, they may find Sagittarius Moon to be tactless. A charmer, he attracts others easily. Its unlikely that men with a moon in cancer will jump into anything hastily. When one is in danger, the other can sense it because they are highly emotional and care about each other excessively. Hello, I'm Sian! Of course when this man is really ready to settle down, he may actually want to move in together and start a life as a couple. You will find that chivalry is not dead with this sentimental and poetic knight in shining armor if you can get him to takethe armor off. But, once comfortably ensconced in a committed relationship, the connection can become more cozy than steamy. She tends to act based on her emotions rather than thinking critically about the situation she finds herself in. The world may try to make him feel weak and lesser than other men due to his empathetic nature. If your Moon is in the sign of Cancer, that means the Moon was situated in Cancer at the time of your birth. Strength-wise, her nurturing nature means that she has a supportive, comforting presence which makes her easy to be around. These beings can sense the needs of others and are only too happy to help find solutions. He enjoys poetry and creative writing because it is the field where his mind is stimulated and play with words. Some men who ordinarily might not be psychic may find themselves a bit sensitive to such types of energy due to their moon being Cancer. Strongly protective of loved ones, they face challenges head on trying to please everyone while they worry and fret about the end result. The cancer moon sign is synonymous with nurturing instincts and strong intuition. When in love, The Cancer Man is a dedicated lover. A career in photography and arts in general best suits the Moon in Cancer Man due to his psychic abilities and natural relationship with the universe. Rest assured that your secrets are safe with him. The Moon in Cancer Man is very sensitive which makes it easy to hurt him. Hell be full of romance, love to spoil his woman with gifts and to by Ryan Hart | Updated on April 28, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. An example can be seen when they resist from doing something that might hurt their loved ones, even though they would really want to do it. They usually enjoy receiving jewelry, especially handcrafted silver rings, cuffs, and pendants. Once she overcomes this hurdle, however, she will be conscientious, even perfectionist about her work and responsibilities. He really has may great ideas and can come up with solutions like no ones business. Cancer Moons are perceptive beings with a keen eye for recognizing what others need, even when they dont know it themselves. A Cancer woman is deeply intuitive and nurturing. They will always give you 110% and expect the same in return. Don't hesitate to take this fast, 9-questions test and see is there a future for you two! She is romantic and affectionate with her partner, whether married or not. His quiet ways mean others dont always know what hes thinking or feeling, though, so sometimes he may come across as moody or withdrawn - even when hes not. In ancient times, the Moon was thought to be the Suns mirror, reflecting its light onto the Earth. If you are a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, you may be caring, misunderstood and at times hesitant to let people in. While Cancer Moon responds to everything with their heart, Gemini Moon leads with their heads. Bringing home the bacon is taken very seriously for this sign, and their role as breadwinner sometimes forces them into overwork. They care more about their cherished goals and personal relationships. A relationship between them is characterized by empathy, creativity, and the desire to make the world better. Cancers on the sun and moon axis often feel a sense of responsibility towards creating a structure in which people can feel secure and emotionally nurtured. This would make some of the toughest signs in the zodiac, seem very emotional or weak at times. However, because they have such an emotional and romantic outlook on life, they can sometimes come across as desperate for a partner. The Cancer moon man wants to spend more time where hes most comfortable which is typically in his home, his familys home, or his partners home. She represents your internal moods and reactions to lifes experiences. What can you expect? When they feel vulnerable or offended they may retract into their shells as a protective mechanism and become withdrawn. The cancer moon man values family, and his mother, above all. A Cancer Sun Virgo Moon woman is known for being loyal, intuitive, and patient. They adore old things and unusual treasures, especially if they know for certain that no one else has what they have. He is creative and full of ideas such that writing is a natural activity for him. Often compassionate to a fault, youre willing to bear the burdens of others and provide all the support, strength, and love necessary to help them through their problems. On the other hand, the Cancer Moon Man should learn to be patient with her and open up to establish trust and connection in the relationship. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon people can be quiet, gentle and protective, while also being moody and overprotective. They have an underlying need for security and stability that makes them tentative and cautious. Codependency in relationships can easily cross over into being possessive. Knowing this nature, people may try to take advantage of him by using those he loves as a tool to manipulate him, for they are sure he would fall for it with no doubt. They are lucky protectors known for their optimistic spirit. The Cancer Moon woman is a complex character with the maturity and wisdom of an adult, but the innocence and childishness of a child. If you have an Aries man who seems to really care or is a bit of a pacifist instead of being an Alpha, his moon may be Cancer. These people can be moody and changeable, but also fun-loving and vivacious. She is the kind of woman who will be extra sympathetic when someone has hurt your feelings, even if she doesnt particularly care for you. These men often end up working in the family business and will take on a role within that established structure to keep the tradition alive, even if its not their passion. A cancer moon man needs someone he will feel safe with. However, this sensitivity combines with the ability and eloquence to create an intense and perceptive awareness of the needs and feelings of others. Cancer Moon may find Scorpio Moon a little turbulent at times, but they are the exact kind of partner who can calm down fiery Scorpio Moon. Cancers are drawn to relics of yesteryear, and often have a longing for the traditions and tastes of days gone by so you may see his home crammed with antiques and family heirlooms. Cancer moon people love peace and harmony, they are quiet, sensitive and intuitive. Deeply empathetic and highly concerned about the well-being of others, these men are so giving that they may even forget to attend to their own needs. But despite being a great employee in fields where they can utilize their unique abilities and talents, Cancer Moons are very emotional, meaning they don't handle criticism well, aren't always comfortable taking risks, can be unpredictable, and stress themselves out. While many people may look at a certain picture or a piece of art and identify its beauty, he can tell a story using it. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. To him, a photo is not just a picture but a million words, feelings, and memories. Dont forget that she is always there watching you and taking care of you, even when unseen. He will do just about anything for them when they need his assistance. The Moon in Cancer Man is empathetic and tends to feel the emotions of other people around him. However, if he understands that his sensitivity makes him fragile and build a wall around his heart, he will keep off negative energy. Bonus, the cancer man makes a great host too! The specific placement is governed by one of the 12 zodiac signs. They are determined and sometimes stubborn, but they do so because they genuinely believe that it is in their power to help save a person. They express the emotions they guard through different forms of art. He can sense danger before it happens and plan to counterattack it. A Cancer man can be consumed with longing and nostalgia for things of the past which, if channeled creatively, can inspire him to explore history and the world of myth. They are quiet, intuitive, emotionally expressive, and empathetic. Please leave a comment below and let me know. You provide for your familys physical needs, and you want to make sure everyone feels safe and loved. A great deal of time might be spent making his home beautiful, unique, and personal. Their fear of being hurt again, or negative memories of past relationship issues, may cause them to retract into their shells from time to time. Im Jessica and Im a Gemini. Cancer Moon women are beautiful, charming, compassionate and sensitive creatures. Moon signs govern our inner selves and account for the feelings, desires, and spiritual needs that we often keep to ourselves. Related Article: 10 Traits of Mars in a Cancer Man. In romantic relationships, this sign may hold grudges because of their inability to let go and because of past scars. Taurus Sun Cancer Moon. The undertones of emotional sensitivity and self-sacrifice in your chart will cause you to feel secure when supportive people are around. Find out here. Those born under this Sun sign tend to be sentimental, WebA person with both a Cancer sun and moon won't often feel at war with themself, but they may occasionally be overwhelmed by the strength of their feelings. His psychic nature and good insights help him make the correct judgments of situations he finds himself in. The positive traits of people born under this sign include loving, sympathetic and imaginative. Are you involved in a romance with a man who has a Cancer Moon? Cancer was named by ancient Romans because they saw a crab as a symbol of the ocean tides, making it an ideal symbol for the oceanic emotions of people under this sign. Nostalgia can be one of the negative traits of cancer moon men. Being needed enables them to feel that their life has meaning; that they are essential in someone elses life. Though the Cancer moon man can be strong, he can also be very sensitive. This would make some of the toughest signs in the zodiac, seem very emotional or weak at times. It doesnt mean he IS weak, however. It simply means hes not a hard ass and he may not have walls up that other signs typically do. Nurturers are often found readily spooning mush, changing diapers, and often... 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